About Me

When you think of technology, what comes to mind? For me, it’s about identifying and solving people’s problems using cutting-edge innovations and creating solutions that push the boundaries to make a difference. I’m a robotics engineer, engineering educator, and STEM communicator. Whether it’s designing and building robotic systems, exploring new STEM concepts, or teaching others about the latest technologies, I’m passionate about it all.

My love for technology started early on, and it’s only grown stronger since then and led me to gain a PhD in the field of Robotics. I thrive on designing and building robotic systems and assessing their capabilities in real-world applications. I’ve partnered with top universities, governments, and private sector organizations for over five years, successfully completing multiple projects that have made a tangible impact in the real world. My communication skills have been refined through my work as a Sessional Academic, as well as opportunities to guest-star on children’s television shows and deliver interactive demonstrations to large audiences. You can check them out here.

So, whether you’re curious about robotics or want to learn more about the latest STEM innovations, I’m here to help. Join me on this exciting journey, and let’s explore the endless possibilities of technology together!

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